The Khaos Game

Welcome to The Khaos Game...

From here on out your lives will inevitably change, and it's up to you to figure out whether or not it's for better or for worse. The history behind this world has been buried behind secrets and magic. Still, one thing is for sure, technology and magic have intricately melted together to make a community of individuals that are either capable of both or entirely dependent on one. There's already a war between the Supernatural and Humanity, but now with more mana introduced into a once-deprived world, the Gods of Old and New are reawakening. With them rising the Khaos Game begins, and it's up to these Minor Gods to find a Champion quickly, or else they will disappear forever into omnipotence to be forgotten.

From the early days of creation it had been well known that the Gods were not always on the best of terms, entire worlds had their landscapes drastically altered in many universes simply due to a feud between the Gods. With how often things got out of hand it became an issue that would stop the production of creation had Khaos not stepped in and made the fights out to be a game instead, a change in the Universal Laws causing everyone, even his own children, to fall into this deadly game.

The rules are fairly simple to understand, no harm shall come to another God by another God's hand once the Game is initiated, and one must find and retain a Champion for themselves to properly participate. Choose wisely, as the Champion is the key to the God earning enough power to win it and become the most powerful, allowing them free reign to do as they please to the world as everyone knows it.

And what decides a Champion? Well, that truly depends on the God(dess), one may be the Strongest Human Man in the world, for another taking on a Dragon as their Champion may seem like the best and easiest idea. Really, the possibilities are endless, but there is one thing for sure, they all are in for a life of dedication and hard work. Champions may fight or deceive their way to the top with their God(dess), the more worshippers earn the more power gained, and if Champions cross it is perfectly fine and legal to the Khaos Game for them to fight as hard as they can.

If you're one of the lucky ones to earn the title of Champion, your wish may also be granted no matter how outlandish it may seem. Immortality? No problem. Unlimited Mana? Maybe with some drawbacks, but workable. Love? Not an issue.

The only real issue comes in when it comes to what God decides to call you their Champion, and how much you're willing to trust them. So, are you ready for worship and war? Or will you fall alongside your new God? Welcome to the Game.

Room Rules

  1. Do not harass or cause issues with staff or other writers, there will be days where nothing happens and that is fine, constantly bothering others will result in a warning before a ban from the room.
  2. No heavy kinks, yes this room is NSFW but that is due to more than just sexual content. Yes, rape is a heavy kink, please take those scenes to DMs. If any confusion on what qualifies as a heavy kink, please ask the staff of the room for clarification.
  3. This room is semi-para and up, but one lining is not excluded for not-so-serious RP. It's a flexible room, but do not expect to be taken seriously if all that is done is one-lining. When the room starts picking up with para posts, refrain from one-lining any further and keep OOC to a minimum.
  4. Phobic comments of any kind are not allowed, Religious ( The IRL kind ) and Political talk are to not be introduced into the room. Keep things peaceful OOCly, that's the main request here.
  5. You do not have to be a Champion or a God to play in the room, there are people that exist outside of the Khaos Game that live their daily lives, you are welcome to write that out.

Character Rules

  1. For the Gods, they are only supposed to rule over minor concepts. Things like Cooking, or subsections of already massive concepts such as the God of Violent Dreams, would be considered minor concepts. There will be no participation from Gods of bigger concepts such as Darkness or War.
  2. Demi-Gods cannot be Champions or Gods in the game, they are excluded entirely as they are seen as wild variables that tip the scales too much.
  3. Approval for Minor Gods must be done by the Staff before active play may be done in the room. This is to stop anyone from causing issues ICly and OOCly.



Code made by RageQxeen, do not steal.